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唯美英语:I'll never let you go


There’s a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything.


唯美英语:I'll never let you go A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be grateful for good ones.


I guess I'll never let you go, because in the back of my mind I still believe that we’ll get our second chance someday. 我想我不会放手,因为我灵魂深处依然相信我们有一天会重温旧梦。

To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be t he world.

对于整个世界来说你只是某个人,但是对某个人来说你可能是整个世界。 If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me. 如果我用你待我的方式来待你,恐怕你会恨死我。

Love is like playing the piano - first you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

谈恋爱就像弹钢琴。首先你得规范地去学,然后你必须忘掉那些规则,用心去弹。 Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love。 治愈情伤最好的药就是友谊带来的安慰。-简•奥斯丁

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. But I like it better when you’re here.

他们说距离产生美。但我还是更喜欢你在我身边。 You smiled, once; for a lifetime, I'm obsessed. 你微笑一下子,我着迷一辈子. Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it’s the heart that decides who stays inside.


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